A seasoned scribe, I'm passionate about elevating everyday speeches into memorable moments.

Guide on Crafting a Memorable Father of the Bride's Speech

Crafting the perfect speech can be overwhelming, but with Wedding Cheers, it doesn't have to be. We're dedicated to streamlining the speech writing process, ensuring most of our customers receive a first draft in under ten minutes. How do we achieve this? By segmenting speeches into manageable chunks, allowing you to infuse your personal touch and ideas. Once you've provided your insights, our advanced AI takes over, seamlessly weaving together a captivating speech. Whether you aim to evoke laughter, sentiment, or inspiration, Wedding Cheers ensures your audience remains engaged from start to finish.

Writing a best man speech can be a daunting task, but fear not! We've outlined some essential byte-sized "Bits" to help you compose a memorable toast. Follow these steps, and you'll have the audience laughing, crying, and cheering by the end.


The start of your speech that sets the tone by welcoming the guests and introducing yourself.

1. Greeting

Begin with a warm welcome to the guests, appreciating their presence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're overjoyed to have you all here..."

2. Introduction

Introduce yourself as the Father of the Bride.

"For those who do not know me, I am John, the proud father of our beautiful bride..."

3. Expressions of Joy

Express your happiness about the special occasion.

"It's a day of immense joy and emotion for me..."

Childhood Stories

Share heartwarming anecdotes about your daughter's childhood and her journey to becoming the person she is today.

1. Growing Up Phase

Share a brief description of the bride’s growing up years.

"I remember when Sarah was just a little girl with a big imagination..."

2. Traits and Achievements

Highlight the bride's personality traits and accomplishments.

"Sarah has always been caring, ambitious and an achiever..."

3. Emotions

Convey the emotional aspect of seeing your little girl grown-up.

"Now, seeing her standing here as a beautiful bride, it’s a bittersweet moment..."

Acknowledgement of the Groom

Express your acceptance of the groom and share your impression of him.

1. First Impressions

Share your first impression of the groom.

"I remember the first time I met Tom, he was polite and respectful..."

2. Acknowledgement

Show acceptance of the groom.

"Today, I'm not losing a daughter, but gaining a son..."

3. Appreciation

Appreciate the groom for his love and care for your daughter.

"Tom, I can't thank you enough for making Sarah so happy..."

Couple's Love Story

Share the timeline of the couple’s relationship, showcasing their love for each other.

1. Their Meeting

Explain how they met or started their relationship.

"Sarah first met Tom at university, and it’s been a beautiful journey since..."

2. Their Bond

Talk about the relationship's strength and their compatibility.

"Their understanding for each other has always amazed me..."

3. Their Happiness

Express how their happiness and love has grown over time.

"Their happiness and love for each other is evident to everyone here today..."


Impart some wisdom about marriage to help the couple in their journey ahead.

1. Marital Advice

Impart practical knowledge regarding marriage.

"Remember, communication is the foundation of a strong marriage..."

2. Sentimental Advice

Give sentimental advice surrounding love and companionship.

"Never stop remembering what made you fall in love in the first place..."

3. Personal Advice

Personal advice based on your own experience.

"Your mother and I have learned that patience and forgiveness go a long way..."

Well-Wishes for the Future

Articulate your dreams and aspirations for the couple's future.

1. Happiness

Wish love and lasting happiness for the couple.

"Here’s to a lifetime full of laughter, love and happiness..."

2. Success

Show your support for their individual and collective dreams.

"May you accomplish all your dreams and ambitions together..."

3. Family

Share your joy about the expanding family tree.

"Looking forward to seeing our family tree grow and flourish..."


End your speech with an uplifting toast celebrating the couple's union.

1. Celebratory Note

Acknowledge the celebration with positivity.

"Let us celebrate this wonderful union..."

2. Well-wishes

Express well-wishes for the couple's journey.

"Here’s to a life filled with love, joy, and endless adventures..."

3. Raising the Glass

Use a classic line to raise a glass.

"Let's raise our glasses to the newlyweds..."


Gratefully acknowledge everyone's presence and conclude on a high note.

1. Thanking Guests

Thank the guests for being part of the celebration.

"Thank you all for being here and making this day so special..."

2. Closing Remarks

A final sentence to end the speech.

"Let's enjoy this wonderful evening, celebrating the love of Sarah and Tom..."

3. Signing Off

A warm, graceful sign-off.

"God bless us all, let the celebration continue. Cheers!"

Crafting the perfect best man speech might seem daunting at first, but by breaking it down into manageable "Bits" and following this guide, you're well on your way to delivering a memorable oration. Remember, it's the genuine emotion and sincerity behind your words that will resonate the most. So, embrace the moment, speak from the heart, and celebrate the joyous union of two special people in your life. Here's to making memories and raising a toast they'll cherish forever!